Der Sternschnuppe wird es fast immer egal sein. Jeder der meint Seines selber tragen zu müssen, sollte hinter sich schauen und sehen wer einen trägt. Ist es überzeugt alles allein tragen zu können, so irrt er sich in der Gemeinschaft mit der es sich umgibt. Denn was ist das wahre Geheimniss der Gemeinschaft? Schwer zu verstehen wie ein Fisch im Wasser (über 80% der Erde ist damit belagert), doch sollte man bedenken, dass es innerhalb auch noch Meer gibt!
Samstag, Februar 07, 2009
Freitag, Februar 06, 2009
Ich war mal eine Sternschuppe. Einer von vielen die so am Himmel kurz erscheinen, um dann in der Dunkelheit zu verschwinden. Ein Wimpernschlag genügt, um mich zu verpassen. Mein Auftrag? Jedem der mich erblickt seine Wünsche zu erkennen und wenn möglich in Erfüllung gehen zu lassen. Wie bereits erwähnt es ist schon ein wahrer Glücksfall mich zu sehen. Da war nun dieses Kind, das hat mich gesehen, sowie sein Vater mich auch gesehen hat. Voller Aufregung fragte der Vater sein Kind ob er die leuchtende Himmelsgestalt auch gesehen habe. Das Kind erwiderte, freilich Papa; Wieso? Nun mein Kind, jeder der eine Sternschnuppe sieht, und dieses war eine, der darf sich was wünschen. Denn nur wenn der Wunsch von der Sternschnuppe erkannt wird, wird es dir auch den Weg weisen.
Bye from Berlin, Germany
Goodbye Friends, Colleagues, Companions,
Coming over from a foreign country named USA I have been living in Berlin for 35 years. Its funny but my initial years of my life never got out of my head. This has probably formed me to what I am today. Over 24,5 years I am also working for one and the same company. Starting as a greenhorn apprentice, being a cool guy (as I was younger) and having all chances in the world. Unfortunately I was not able to take them all as they came because it would of been to easy. Well everyone forms itself by its environment and its initial influences. Always searching for the drastic and not getting tired to prove that being conservative will not change and help one growing. I just wanted everyone to hang loose but still being professional in doing what needed to be done to grow. In some cases I believe I have given proof that it is a way of doing but in some cases I was been convinced to be wrong in my judgement. This brings me to the point for this mail. I want to thank you for sharing your life, wisdom and passion with me and my family. I enjoyed most of the time, but now I am taking the chance that came up, without yelling for it. I will repatriate to the USA in an area that seems to be very awesome to live in. My job will be related to tooling, my initial home of work related knowledge. I wish you and your family all the best and that you always take the chances as they come.
Thanks you again for all you have given me.
PS Fellow, this one is for good now
Coming over from a foreign country named USA I have been living in Berlin for 35 years. Its funny but my initial years of my life never got out of my head. This has probably formed me to what I am today. Over 24,5 years I am also working for one and the same company. Starting as a greenhorn apprentice, being a cool guy (as I was younger) and having all chances in the world. Unfortunately I was not able to take them all as they came because it would of been to easy. Well everyone forms itself by its environment and its initial influences. Always searching for the drastic and not getting tired to prove that being conservative will not change and help one growing. I just wanted everyone to hang loose but still being professional in doing what needed to be done to grow. In some cases I believe I have given proof that it is a way of doing but in some cases I was been convinced to be wrong in my judgement. This brings me to the point for this mail. I want to thank you for sharing your life, wisdom and passion with me and my family. I enjoyed most of the time, but now I am taking the chance that came up, without yelling for it. I will repatriate to the USA in an area that seems to be very awesome to live in. My job will be related to tooling, my initial home of work related knowledge. I wish you and your family all the best and that you always take the chances as they come.
Thanks you again for all you have given me.
PS Fellow, this one is for good now
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