Being a father with a mother that gives a damn to what happens and relying on those things she feels to have done without moving a finger. I will be traveling to Berlin to see what is going on and to find ways out of the dilemma with all the shit that has been created. Looking for a cure of my beloved children I have given the ability to be on earth. My mistake in all the years was that I have told I love them. The other mistake I have believed that the company which wanted me desperately could understand my motions and needs, but forgot that the individual of planing is not interested in the social life of the one or the other, it is just a job. The other mistake and probably the greatest I have believed a foolish girl at times where the blood pressure was measured differently and life was full of dreams. Under normal circumstances the trip I'm undertaking shouldn't be taking place due to the items of interest would of been here already to take care for. I'm shaking full of anger and pain. To all that still are loving me for that what I am, be sure I will be calm and I will be polite in all my actions. For all which don't know if they love me, this will be my last approach because I only have that one life to live. I am able to cut and am willing to do so, not to break, but saving me and the others that love me.
We will keep in touch.